Thursday, September 2, 2010

Summer Running, Had Me A Blast

Summer running, happened so fast....

OK, enough with the Grease references, especially since I would hardly call my speed greased lightning.  I'd like to think my speed is coming back, but we're not quite there yet.

It's been a while, so I'll just summarize my August training.  On the running front, I logged in 140.91 miles.  Not quite the 172 miles I ran in August 2009.  Year to date, I'm at 477.38 miles, compared to 1146.82 miles this same time last year.  Oh well, c'est la vie, n'est ce pas?  I'd like to think I am a smarter runner this year?

I certainly think I'm training smarter.  I am happy that I am back doing long runs -- done two 12 milers and one 15 miler so far.  This time, I'm running them a bit smarter -- keeping the pace around 8 minute miles or slower.  LSD means long steady distance, not marathon pace.  Meanwhile, my weekday 6 1/4 milers are mostly between 7:30 and 8:30s.  I have experimented with a few sub-7 tempo runs.  So I think the potential to run fast is there, I just don't want to rush anything.

Now the best part of my August running has been running with my wife, Jordana.  For far too long we have shared the same passion for running yet never did it together.  When we first met, we used to run quite frequently in Rock Creek Park.  Those were magical runs -- something about logging many miles underfoot with another person can be so intimate.  You can really grow close to someone if you're not careful.  Anyhow, with young kids, running together fell by the wayside and tag-team running took its place:  I watch the kids while she runs, then she watches the kids when I run.  On rare occasions, the parents or in laws watch the kids while we run the same race.  Anyhow, this summer the parents and in laws were much more active in watching the kids while on vacation (as the kids get older, it is easier for their grandparents to watch them) and Jordana and I were able to log some good miles together.  We even had several staycations where the kids were at my parents, during which we could run some 10 milers.  I even got to run with her on her Thursday morning Millennium Trail run (5:30am at Panera).  I think that was the most special run of all. Running with her and her gang, having coffee (or chai tea in my case) at Starbucks afterwards.  Very special.

Meanwhile, on the biking front, I was not very motivated to ride in the basement on the trainer.  Embarrassed to say I only logged 75 minutes on the trainer. Road work was not that much better, I had only 3 rides for a total of 80.93 miles, although one was a 40 miler -- Bethany Beach to Lewes and back.  I remember the outbound ride was great, I was flying at a 20+mph pace.  Of course, when I turned around to head back I realized why I was riding so fast --- significant tailwind on the outbound = significant headwind on the return.  Oh well, averaged 18.55 mph for the trip.

Meanwhile, on the swimming front, I found a similar lack of motivation.  Between evening storms and vacation, I only got in two masters swim workouts since Rocketts Landing, and one of those was cut short due to a storm.  And I only ventured to the pool to swim laps 4 other times.  Total swimming distance: 13,345 meters or 8.3 miles.

Now that school has started, I hope to get back into my old schedule.  I sure as hell better:  Naylor's Beach triathlon is in 26 days.